👉 Note : Google Vertex AI 👉 All services needed for Data Science on Google Cloud.

👉 Note: ‣

💡 Remark: We can use Cloud Shell Terminal (integrated in GCP Console), it contains all necessary tools. ← Except the case we wanna create docker images (Cloud Shell doesn’t have enough spaces)

+Install gcloud

👉 Official doc.

Don’t forget to add its path to $PATH for .bashrc or .zshrc.

July 14, 2023 : Nếu muốn kích hoạt lại gcloud information trên zsh thì vào .zshrc uncomment lại mấy dòng liên quan.

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+Setting up with gcloud

# Learn how to change individual settings
gcloud help config

# Using another google account
# <https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/initializing>
gcloud auth login

# or using a service account
gcloud auth activate-service-account

# Set project
gcloud config set project <project-id>

# Change region
gcloud config set compute/region NAME
# eg. NAME = europe-west1

# Change Compute Engine zone
gcloud config set compute/zone NAME
# eg. NAME = europe-west1-b

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+SSH to Cloud Shell

# Change to current project
gcloud config set project <projectName>

# ssh to cloud shell
gcloud cloud-shell ssh

+Artifcat Registry + manage images

👉 Official doc.