yarn creates yarn.lock (whereas npm creates package-lock.json). They both use package.json with the same structure (but with different algorithms).


You should follow the official guide.

# check version
yarn --version
# 4.1.1


Official: yarn remove | Yarn

# Remove a package
yarn remove <package>


Official: yarn info | Yarn

yarn info lodash
# npx like?
# No, just use npx!

Update / Upgrade

Official: yarn up | Yarn

# to the latest release
yarn up lodash

# with confirm
yarn up lodash -i

# with version
yarn up [email protected]

# all packages inside
yarn up @babel/*

# all packages containing "jest"
yarn up *jest*


yarn version patch # 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 (fixes)
yarn version minor # 1.0.1 -> 1.1.0 (new features )
yarn version major # 1.1.0 -> 2.0.0 (completely new APIs)