<aside> ⚠️ This note contains only the "difficult" parts when creating a Next.js website from Wordpress. You should read the official documetation and also things mentioned in this note (it's about Gatsby and WP).


<aside> ☝ I prefer Next.js other than Gatsby when using with Wordpress because I want to use for free the "incremental building" functionality. As I know, if we want something like that with Gatsby, we have to use Gatsby Cloud (paid tiers).


Getting started

👉 IMPORTANT: Use this official starter (it uses TypeScript, Tailwind CSS).

<aside> ⚠️

The following steps are heavily based on this starter, which means that some packages/settings have already been set up by this starter.


Using Local for a local version of Wordpress (WP) site. Read more in this blog. From now, I use math2it.local for a local WP website in this note and math2it.com for its production version.

In WP, install and activate plugin WPGraphQL.

Copy .env.local.example to .env.local and change it content.

npm i
npm run dev

The site is running at http://localhost:3000.

Basic understanding: How it works?

How pages are created?

Vercel CLI

Build and run vercel environment locally before pushing to the remote.

👉 Vercel CLI – Vercel Docs

npm i -g vercel

Link to the current project