Here are the terminal commands you can use instead of Gitkraken . This note is for situations where GitKraken isn't available. For a full list of git commands, refer to this note: Git!
Clone a repo
git clone <repo-link>
# or using gh
Check status (what are in stage or unstage)
git status
Show list of commits
# local, current branch
git log --graph --decorate --oneline
# press "q" to quit
# remote branch b1 (local may have different commits)
git fetch origin
git log origin/b1 --graph --decorate --oneline
Working with branches
# Create a new branch from a commit
git checkout -b <new_branch_name> <commit_hash>
# Create a new branch based on another branch
git checkout -b <new_branch_name> <existing_branch_name>
# push to remote
git push -u origin <new_branch_name>
# force to push
git push origin <branch-name> -f
# Rename currently local branch
git branch -m <new_branch_name>
# Rename any local branch
git branch -m old_branch new_branch
# Verify branch
git branch
# remote
git branch -r
# Push renamed branch to remote and delete the old one on remote
git push origin -u new_branch
git push origin --delete old_branch
# Remove a local branch
git branch -d branch_name
# force
git branch -D branch_name
# Remove a remote branch
git push origin --delete branch_name
Stage and unstage
# Stage File
git add <file>
# Stage multiple files
git add <file_1> <file_2>
# Stage All Changes
git add .
# Unstage File
git restore --staged <file>
# or
git reset <file>
# Unstage All Changes
git reset
Discard changes (don’t apply for newly created files)
# Discard changes in a file
git restore <file>
# Discard all changes (unstaged)
git restore .
# Discard all staged and unstaged
git reset --hard
# Fetch All
git fetch --all
# fast-forward (if possible) <- it will perform a merge after the pull
git pull --ff
# fast-forward only (only pull, not merge)
git pull --ff-only
# rebase <- move all local changes on top of the remote changes
git pull --rebase
# Rebase current branch (b1) onto (dev)
git rebase dev
# If there are conflicts -> modify manually and then
git add file_name
git rebase --continue
# Abort the rebase
git rebase --abort
# Force push b1 after the rebase
git push origin b1 --force
# Merge current branch (b1) into (dev)
git checkout dev
git merge b1
# If there are conflicts -> modify manually and then
git add file_name
git commit
# Check the commit history
git log --graph --decorate --oneline
Stash and Pop