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HxWxC → too large → too many params → need conv
edge detection by a filter (3x3 for example) (or kernel) → multiply with original image by a convulution operator (*)
Sobel filter, Scharr filter (not only 0, 1, -1)
Can use backprop to learn the value of filter.
Not only edge, we can learn by degree of images.
→ we can pad the images (mở rộng ra thêm all around the images): 6x6 → (pad 1) → 8x8
Stride convulutions
Conv over volumes (not just on 2d images) → ex on RGB images (3 channels)
6x6x3 * 3x3x3 (3 layers of filers) → 4x4x1
We multiply each layer together and then sum up all 3 layers → give only 1 number on the resulting matrix → that's why we only have 4x4x1
if we wanna detect verticle edge only on the red channel → 1st layer (in 3x3x3) can detect it, the other 2 is 0s.
multiple filters at the same time? → 1st filter (verticle), 2nd (horizontal) → 4x4x2 (2 here is 2 filters)
we can use 100+ fileters → $n_c'=100+$
1 layer of ConvNet
if 10 filters (3x3x3) → how many parameters?
→ no matter what size of image, we only have 280 params with 10 filters (3x3x3)
The number of filters used will be the number of channels in the output
SImple example of ConvNet
Type of layer in ConvNet
Pooling layer
Max pooling → take the max of each region
Average pooling → like max pool, we take average
→ max is used much more than avg
LeNet-5 (NN example) ← inspire by it, introduced by Yan LeCun
Why convolution?
Case studies of effective ConvNets
Classic networks
LeNet-5 → focus on section II, III in the article, they're interesting! → use sigmoid/tanh
AlexNet → Similarity to LeNet but much bigger!
VGG-16 → much deeper but use much simplier filters
ResNets (Residual Networks) → researchers were able to build deep neural nets with higher number of layers