This is my note for the course (Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization). The codes in this note are rewritten to be more clear and concise.
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Course’s information
This course will teach you the "magic" of getting deep learning to work well. Rather than the deep learning process being a black box, you will understand what drives performance, and be able to more systematically get good results. You will also learn TensorFlow.
contains the size of each layer from $0$ to $L$.
parameters['W'+str(l)] = np.zeros((layers_dims[l], layers_dims[l-1]))
parameters['b'+str(l)] = np.zeros((layers_dims[l], 1))
To break symmetry, lets intialize the weights randomly.
parameters['W'+str(l)] = np.random.randn(layers_dims[l], layers_dims[l-1]) * 10
# 👆 LARGE (just an example of SHOULDN'T)
parameters['b'+str(l)] = np.zeros((layers_dims[l], 1))
Multiply randomly initial $W$ with $\sqrt{\frac{2}{n^{[l-1]}}}$. It's similar to Xavier initialization in which multipler factor is $\sqrt{\frac{1}{n^{[l-1]}}}$.
parameters['W' + str(l)] = np.random.randn(layers_dims[l], layers_dims[l-1]) * np.sqrt(2./layers_dims[l-1])
parameters['b' + str(l)] = np.zeros((layers_dims[l], 1))